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Graphene Oxide to B, N Co-doped Graphene through …
2019-9-1 · In this present work, we report a simple hydrothermal synthesis of B and N co-doped reduced graphene oxide through trisdimethylaminoborane complex. Maximum B and N atoms with an atomic percentage of 2.30 and 4.12 at.% respectively, were achieved onto the GO framework at the reaction temperature of 250°C. Introduction of B and N into the GO matrix was confirmed by X-ray …
Generation of B-doped graphene nanoplatelets using …
2013-1-22 · This is the first report on the production of B-doped graphene nanoplatelets from a solution process and on the use of B-doped graphene materials in supercapacitors. The B-rG-O had a high specific surface area of 466 m(2)/g and showed excellent supercapacitor performance including a high specific capacitance of 200 F/g in aqueous electrolyte as ...
One‐Step Synthesis of B/N Co‐doped Graphene as …
In this paper, we investigated the electrocatalytical properties of B/N co‐doped graphene with respect to the content of metallic impurities introduced by the synthesis procedures. For this purpose, a permanganate (Hummers) and a chlorate (Hofmann) route were used for the preparation of the starting graphene oxides (GO).
One‐Step Synthesis of B/N Co‐doped Graphene as …
In this paper, we investigated the electrocatalytical properties of B/N co‐doped graphene with respect to the content of metallic impurities introduced by the synthesis procedures. For this purpose, a permanganate (Hummers) and a chlorate (Hofmann) route were used for the preparation of the starting graphene oxides (GO).
The tunable hydrophobic effect on electrically doped …
Using molecular dynamics simulations, we study the hydrophobic effect on electrically doped single layer graphene. With doping levels measured in volts, large changes in contact angle occur for modest voltages applied to the sheet. The effect can be understood as a renormalization of the surface ten …
Gas adsorption on graphene doped with B, N, Al, and …
2009-12-8 · B- and N-doped graphene retain a planar form, while Al and S atoms protrude out of the graphene layer. We find that only NO and NO 2 bind to B-doped graphene, while only NO 2 binds to S-doped graphene. Al-doped graphene is much more reactive and binds many more gases, including O 2.
Edge-functionalized and substitutionally doped …
Edge-functionalized and substitutionally doped graphene nanoribbons: Electronic and spin properties F. Cervantes-Sodi, G. Csányi, S. Piscanec, and A. C. Ferrari Phys. Rev. B …
Edge-functionalized and substitutionally doped …
Edge-functionalized and substitutionally doped graphene nanoribbons: Electronic and spin properties F. Cervantes-Sodi, G. Csányi, S. Piscanec, and A. C. Ferrari Phys. Rev. B …
Structure prediction of boron-doped graphene by …
2018-3-19 · The spatial distribution of doped B in graphene is strongly affected by the synthesis methods and conditions. For the epitaxial B-graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition, the B dopants in graphene can be a preferential substitution of carbon in only one of the graphene …
Ultrasensitive molecular sensor using N-doped …
As a novel and efficient surface analysis technique, graphene-enhanced Raman scattering (GERS) has attracted increasing research attention in recent years. In particular, chemically doped graphene exhibits improved GERS effects when compared with pristine graphene for certain dyes, and it can be used to efficiently detect trace amounts of molecules.
First-principles study of half-metallicity in semi ...
2011-3-1 · Using first principles calculations, we investigate the electronic structures of semi-hydrogenated BC3, BC5, BC7, and B-doped graphone sheets. We find that all the semi-hydrogenated boron-carbon sheets exhibit half-metallic behaviors. The magnetism originates from the non-bonding p z orbitals of carbon atoms, which cause the flat bands to satisfy the Stoner criterion.
Phys. Rev. B 88, 245416 (2013) - Theory of core-level ...
Core-hole energy shift as a function of its z position (black solid line) in (a) pristine graphene, (b) doped graphene E F = 0.5 eV, and (c) doped graphene E F = 1 eV. Corresponding image potential fit (red dashed line) is taken from Ref. 21 Dotted vertical lines denote the graphene image plane positions, and the black dot represents the core ...
Ultrasensitive gas detection of large-area boron …
graphene; boron-doped; STM; gas sensor; B-C trimers; Graphene is a fascinating material that has created an unprecedented impact in condensed-matter physics, chemistry, materials science, and industry (1 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –6).According to theory, the valence and conduction bands of pristine (nondoped) graphene (PG) touch at the K point in the Brillouin zone, thus making it behave as a zero ...
Synthesis and Applications of Semiconducting Graphene
Literature reveals that heteroatom-doped graphene (B-, N-, and P-doped graphene) offers increased stability, improved conductivity, and better chemical reactivity compared to pristine graphene. These materials are more advantageous to be used in supercapacitors as they enhance electrochemical activity, lower charge-transfer resistance, and ...
Boron-doped graphene | B-doped graphene | Sigma …
Boron-doped graphene; Synonym: B-doped graphene, BG; find Sigma-Aldrich-900526 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich.
Boron-doped graphene | B-doped graphene | Sigma …
Boron-doped graphene; Synonym: B-doped graphene, BG; find Sigma-Aldrich-900526 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich.
Graphene Oxide to B, N Co-doped Graphene through …
2019-9-1 · In this present work, we report a simple hydrothermal synthesis of B and N co-doped reduced graphene oxide through trisdimethylaminoborane complex. Maximum B and N atoms with an atomic percentage of 2.30 and 4.12 at.% respectively, were achieved onto the GO framework at the reaction temperature of 250°C. Introduction of B and N into the GO matrix was confirmed by X-ray …
Boron doped graphene nanosheets (B-GR) as a p-type semiconductor, provides much more edges to facilitate the loading of TiO2 nanoparticles (P25). Highly-dispersed P25/B-GR nanosheets with the size ...
Boron doped graphene nanosheets (B-GR) as a p-type semiconductor, provides much more edges to facilitate the loading of TiO2 nanoparticles (P25). Highly-dispersed P25/B-GR nanosheets with the size ...
Three-dimensional B,N-doped graphene foam as a …
2013-8-7 · Nitrogen-doped graphene foams (N-GFs) with a nitrogen doping level of 3.1 atom% were prepared by CVD of CH4 in the presence of NH3 while boron-doped graphene foams (B-GFs) with a boron doping level of 2.1 atom% were produced by using toluene and triethyl borate as a …
Three-dimensional B,N-doped graphene foam as a …
2013-8-7 · Nitrogen-doped graphene foams (N-GFs) with a nitrogen doping level of 3.1 atom% were prepared by CVD of CH4 in the presence of NH3 while boron-doped graphene foams (B-GFs) with a boron doping level of 2.1 atom% were produced by using toluene and triethyl borate as a …